Learn how to run
a social simulation or a serious game


How to use our social simulations?


Our social simulations and serious games are highly appreciated among experts, trainers, and players worldwide.

Workshops with this innovative tools can be adapted and applied to different contexts, including organizational change, experiments, education, and capacity building.

Many of our social simulations are available for free for non-commercial purposes. We also grant licenses for commercial use and offer courses to help you gain experience in using our simulations.

Games and simulations created by the Centre for System Solutions embrace both interactive online tools and full-sized board games perfect for face-to-face workshops. Each simulation is tailored to the specific needs of our clients and thus displays varying degrees of complexity. An inherent element of each simulation-based workshop is debriefing, a custom-fit, extensive discussion conducted by a professional trainer just after the game. Each participant of the course will learn not only how to moderate (that is, prepare and conduct) a given simulation. The course will equip you also with facilitation skills – you will acquire know-how to professionally lead a debriefing session on sustainable development and to encourage players to use knowledge and experience gained while playing.

That’s why we offer different types of learning opportunities. Each time we optimize the course’s content, form and price.

To become a moderator of social simulation

    1. Who you are? What organization you represent?
    2. How you want to use our simulation?
    3. Whether you are interested in an online course or would like to invite us to face-to-face training.

Learning opportunities


An online training session – a trainer from the Centre for System Solutions will conduct real-time training for you, using the latest technologies and online tools.

Self-learning modules – you will get access to an online course containing modules with video tutorials and supporting materials.

Blended learning – the course is a compilation of online training session and self-learning modules.

Dedicated face to face training – trainers from the Centre for System Solutions will conduct training for you in any place in the world.

Visit our blog Games4Sustainability and see other our games and SOCIAL SIMULATIONS.


The European Commission support for the project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The project is being implemented by the Austrian Foundation for Development Research in cooperation with the Centre for Systems Solutions, the Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education and the Vienna University Children’s Office.

